For most of our regular players, I am sure the faces below are very familiar, but new members might like to know who we are. 

To contact us, please use the form at the bottom of this page or email an officer.

Our President Simon Carter



I’ve been playing croquet since I was 10 and my parents bought a set for their back garden. I remain passionate about the game and have been fortunate enough to represent England at three world championships. When I’m not playing croquet, I run a men’s clothing brand. I live in London and Itteringham, near Aylsham.


Chair Caroline Harper

I  joined HCC in 2017 and absolutely love playing croquet. I am the LSO (Local Safeguarding Officer) and I look after website posts, the calendar, facebook, instagram and press articles.


Secretary Grenville Perry

I joined HCC in 2019



Treasurer Mary Williams




Committee member Janet Kendal

I joined the club in 2005. I thoroughly enjoy the competition and friendship whilst playing in the fresh air


Committee member Gwenda MacKenzie

I joined HCC in 2016 and joined the committee at the end of my first year.




Committee member Ellie Lewis

I joined HCC in 2019 and have enjoyed many happy afternoons playing croquet. I continue to learn with every game. I joined the committee in 2022 and am currently responsible for the housekeeping.



Committee member Andrew Vickery

I joined the club in 2018 and the committee in 2022. I enjoy social and slightly more competitive play. I hold the bar licence and have just started to do the monthly health and safety audits.



The Chair is elected for a term of 5 years; the other committee members are proposed at the AGM and voted on by the attendees. Please ask any of the committee if you think you might be interested in standing in the future.

A club is only as friendly, vibrant and sustainable as its members make it and we are hugely appreciative of the work done by our members. It would be wrong to pick out individual contributions but you and we know who you are!

Contact us here.

    Page updated 10/03/2023