Welcome to the Hunstanton Croquet Club website.

We hope that you find all the information that you need on our website pages, but for more information and/or a chat, please pop along and see us on a club afternoon (Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30 – 4pm April – October) or on a Friday afternoon.  And why not check out our facebook and instagram accounts! https://www.facebook.com/hunstantoncroquetclub

Hunstanton Croquet Club was founded in 1911.  We have five lawns, car parking and a well-equipped club house. You will find us at the Southern end of the BCKLWN’s Recreation Ground, King’s Lynn Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk. PE36 6AU

Both AC (Association Croquet) and GC (Golf Croquet) are played at HCC; at social level and internal and external competitions; from complete beginners to County standard. Dates of the competitions may be found on the Calendar page. 

If you’re looking for an activity which satisfies your competitive instinct, or just fancy a friendly game on a Club afternoon, why not give Croquet a try? All that is needed is a pair of flat-soled shoes as the Club initially provides mallets.

NB: The club does not have a physical letter box, therefore, all correspondence and payments for “Hunstanton Croquet Club” should be sent to a named officer, as appropriate.

HCC is registered with: Croquet England (Formally known as The Croquet Association) www.croquet.org.uk    The East Anglia Croquet Federation www.angliacroquet.uk

A short video showing one of the winning shots in the
2019 Simon Carter Golf Croquet World Championship won by Ben Rothman


To see membership and joining details click here

Page updated 13/11/23